


Open 12:00 Start 13:00


The Glee http://theglee.jp/
東京都新宿区神楽坂3丁目4 AYビルB1F

ピアノ 三枝伸太郎

パーカッション 熊本 比呂志

Save the date for Momoka’s Christmas Concert?❤️

Hope to see everyone there!


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Doors Open at 12:00 am  Show starts at 1:00pm

The Glee – Kagurazaka, Tokyo http://theglee.jp/

Location: 3-4 Kagurazaka Shinjuku, Tokyo
Cover charge: ¥3,000

Shintaro Mieda, Piano

Hiroshi Kumamoto, Percussion


Here are some details of my concerts and other events in this year.If you would like to attend a concert or event, please feel free to ask me.

Saturday, August 29, 2015, 4:30pm
Kamoshita – Nishifu, Tokyo
Shintaro Mieda, Piano
Location: 2-12-11 Honshukucho Fuchu, Tokyo
Music charge: ¥2,000
Piano 三枝伸太郞
チャージ ¥2,000

This is my first concert in Kamoshita.

Kamoshita usually opens as a restaurant and a cafe. That has a very nice atmosphere.

The staff there hung up a nice signboard for my concert.

初めてのカフェ カモシタさんでのコンサートです!会場の前にこんな看板をだしてくれましたよ。



Saturday, October 10, 2015, 2:00pm & 3:00pm
Mgome sabou – Omori, Tokyo
Music charge: ¥200 (+ 1drink order)
Location:3-6-3 Sanno Ota-ku, Tokyo
Naomi Endo, Piano
10月10日 (土)14:00~&15:00~
MC ¥200+1drink
Piano 遠藤尚美

Saturday, October 24, 2015, 7:00pm
Jazz reunion , Morinouta – Akasaka, Tokyo
Charge: ¥6,000 (includes foods & drinks)
Location:3-6-18 Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo
Shintaro Mieda, Piano

*Advance reservation required

For further details, please ask me using the contact form.

10/24(sat) 19:00~
Jazz の集い
杜のうた http://www.jazz.co.jp/LiveSpot/morinouta.html
東京都港区赤坂3丁目6-18 赤坂ニューロイヤルビル本館 B1F
Piano 三枝伸太郞


Saturday, December 12, 2015
Christmas concert!! in The Glee – Kagurazaka, Tokyo
Shintaro Mieda, Piano
The glee http://theglee.jp/
クリスマスコンサート The Glee
東京都新宿区神楽坂3丁目4 AYビルB1F

I’m looking forward to your attendance!

Please check out the upcoming events here https://momokaseino.com/events/



This was my 10th anniversary concert.  I was happy to see all of you!

I played Tango, Classic, Disney, Original, Jazz, Pop, a movie theme – total 14 songs and encore.


I was impressed

I was able to spend a nice day off

I shed tears.

I really enjoyed!

When is the next concert?



Lots of great comments and applause from everyone made me so happy.

Thank you for coming and listening.

Also, thanks to pianist Shintaro Mieda for his excellent performance.

Next will be my Christmas concert on December 12. Please keep it in mind.


20150801清野百香ライブにお越しくださってありがとう!!皆様にお会できて、本当に嬉しく幸せでした。次の清野百香コンサートは12/12@the glee を予定しています!聞きに来てくださいね。(その前にイベントやコンサートも幾つか予定しています)皆様にお会いできること、それが私のコンサートの力になっています。